Connected Globally, Disconnecting Locally
Cannabis is coming on the scene at the right time. With the push of social media, moving all of us to look more outward and into the world, there are some warnings that we are becoming less connected to our local communities. Volunteerism is in a decade-long decline, public perception of community have been stressed over the past years due to issues with police shootings, perceptions of immigrants, elections and more. Corporations, although giving has increased, have become more focused on very specific ways in which they give, which in some cases has taken local support away and moved resources to national and international causes.
CannaMakeADifference believes that the cannabis industry, because of the way it is developing in the United States and around the world, has the power to impact local communities more than any other industry.
Benefits of Cannabis in Communities
Because of the way legalization has progressed, companies have had to focus their efforts to grow their business locally. Although this time is slipping away, there are still laws and licensing requirements in place which lend to a local focus and through some out-of-the-box thinking about philanthropy form the sector AND some traditional marketing techniques, the Cannabis Industry can truly MAKE A DIFFERENCE for thousands of animals, children, disabled, veterans and more with some help.
There are some challenges as you can see in the video on this page.
CannaMakeADifference makes it easier for cannabis companies to engage in with their communities!